Removing Your Wisdom Teeth is Often Needed

When it comes to removing your wisdom teeth, our office understands it could be a difficult decision for some people. When they first appear, your wisdom teeth can become painful and seem insignificant, making it harder to see the long-term repercussions of not removing them. Our dentists, Dr. James Feldman, cares about your oral health and offers wisdom teeth removal... read more »

Floss Comes in Many Shapes and Styles

Are you aware of the many forms of dental floss you can use to clean your smile? If not, then keep reading! Dental floss can come in various types and styles to match your unique smile and particular needs. In fact, by using the correct type of dental floss, you can help keep your teeth cleaner by using the tool... read more »

Protecting Your Smile from the Risk of Dental Dangers

Building a better smile begins with improving your oral health care. Not only should you be brushing and flossing on a daily basis, but you should be analyzing all aspects of your day-to-day life including your diet and everyday lifestyle habits to determine which activities and products should be eliminated from your life. At the very least, you should exercise... read more »

Smart Smile Basics: Halitosis Treatments

An oral health ailment that can easily arise due to poor dental health habits is known as halitosis. Halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath, is often influenced by lifestyle habits, cleaning habits, and the types of food you eat. To help prevent halitosis from plaguing your smile, consider the following treatment methods: - Use mouthwash that is specifically designed... read more »

What Do You Know about Bad Breath?

Bad breath, also called halitosis, is a common oral health abnormality that is often characterized by foul odors that come from the mouth. Characteristically, these odors are caused by bacteria, but in some situations, they may simply be caused by the foods you ate or the drinks you consumed. Recognizing signs of the actual disorder easy to spot, as the... read more »

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments Save Smiles?

Did you know that some cosmetic dentistry treatment services can save smiles? Despite the occurrence that all cosmetic dentistry can improve the look of your smiles, some are equipped with the added bonus of protecting your teeth too. There are treatments available to improve your smile simply by replacing teeth that have been lost over the years, while many others... read more »

Dental Erosion Can Be Caused by Acidic Foods

Did you know that foods that have a high acidity level can erode your tooth enamel? The reason is due to low pH levels within the foods. One of the biggest offenders of acidic foods is found in sugary sweets, specifically sour sweets. In fact, there are some sour treats that can be purchased today at your local supermarket that... read more »

How Inlays and Onlays Can Do for You

Have you ever bitten into something only to hear something crack in your mouth? Similarly, have you ever lost just a piece of your tooth? Naturally, if this happens you may wonder about what your options are. For instance, you may have heard about dental crowns and fillings—which could both be viable options—but have you ever heard of inlays and... read more »

Wearing a Night Guard for Your Protection

Do you grind your teeth at night while you sleep? If you have been experiencing tooth problems due to night-time teeth grinding, you are in good company. The Bruxism Association based in the U.K. says that nearly 70% of  teeth grinding while you sleep (also called bruxism), stems from stress or anxiety. Other contributing factors include sleep apnea, smoking, caffeine... read more »

Athletes and Mouthguards

Are you an athlete? What sport do you play? If you play basketball or baseball, or similar low-contact sports, you may not think a mouthguard is important. However, we recommend wearing a mouthguard regardless of the sport you play. Unfortunately, not all mouthguards are created equal. Stock mouthguards tend to be too heavy and bulky and can make it difficult... read more »

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